Ex power supply
- 2 channels
- 5-port 3.75 kVAC galvanic isolation
- Output voltage > 18 V to I.S. area
- Active current loop detection
- Universal supply by AC or DC
- Voltage supply with safety barrier for the supply of equipment mounted in hazardous area.
- Voltage supply with failsafe detection of active current loop from 2-wire transmitters mounted in hazardous area.
Technical characteristics
- PR5420B has a relay with change-over contacts available in the safe area. When the loop current is within the defined limit, the relay is ON.
- Supply and outputs are floating and galvanically separated.
Mounting / installation
- Mounted vertically or horizontally on a DIN rail. Up to 84 channels per meter can be mounted.
- Not suitable for new installations requiring certification to the latest ATEX standards - see ATEX certificate DEMKO 99ATEX126256 and EU Declaration of Conformity for details.
Scheda tecnica & manuali
Scheda tecnica
- 5420B.pdf
- Ultima versione
- 5420BV102_UK.pdf
- 5420BV101.pdf
- 5420BV100.pdf
- Versione precedente
- Ultima versione
Manuali in russo
- 5420BV102_RU.pdf
- Ultima versione
Approvazioni & certificati
Certificato ATEX
- 5420B.pdf
- Ultima versione
Dichiarazione EAC
- EAC-Declaration.pdf
- Ultima versione
Certificato EAC Ex
- EAC_Ex.pdf
- Ultima versione
Metrology Pattern Approval (MPA), Russia
- MPA_Russia.pdf
- Ultima versione
Documentazione supplementare
Dichiarazione UE di conformità
- 5420DoC_EU_102_UK.pdf
- 5420DoC_EU_101_UK.pdf
- 5420DoC_EU_100_UK.pdf
- Versione precedente
- Ultima versione
Note di sicurezza
Note di sicurezza
- SN5000-3_103_1933.pdf
- SN5000-3_102_1613.pdf
- SN5000_101_1450.pdf
- Versione precedente
- Ultima versione
Modulo di ordine
Environmental Conditions
Operating temperature | -20°C to +60°C |
Calibration temperature | 20...28°C |
Relative humidity | < 95% RH (non-cond.) |
Protection degree | IP20 |
Mechanical specifications
Dimensions (HxWxD) | 109 x 23.5 x 130 mm |
Weight approx. | 215 g |
DIN rail type | DIN 46277 |
Wire size | 1 x 2.5 mm2 stranded wire |
Screw terminal torque | 0.5 Nm |
Common specifications
Supply |
Supply voltage, universal | 21.6...253 VAC, 50...60 Hz or 19.2...300 VDC |
Max. required power | ≤ 4 W (2 channels) |
Internal power dissipation | ≤ 2 W (2 channels) |
Fuse | 400 mA SB / 250 VAC |
Isolation voltage |
Isolation voltage, test / working | 3.75 kVAC / 250 VAC |
PELV/SELV | IEC 61140 |
EMC immunity influence | < ±0.5% |
Extended EMC immunity: NAMUR NE21, A criterion, burst | < ±1% |
Output specifications
Relay output |
Max. voltage | 250 VRMS |
Max. current | 2 ARMS |
Max. AC power | 100 VA |
Max. load at 24 VDC | 1 A |
Output voltage | > 18 VDC at 20 mA |
Output current | 28 mA per channel (max.) |
Relay outputs: On within limit | > 3.8...< 20.5 mA |
Observed authority requirements
EMC | 2014/30/EU |
LVD | 2014/35/EU |
EAC | TR-CU 020/2011 |
ATEX | DEMKO 99ATEX126256, II (1) GD [EEx ia] IIC |
EAC Ex | RU C-DK.HA65.B.00355/19 |
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