Dangerous goods (batteries)


Dangerous goods


Most PR electronics A/S products do NOT contain any batteries, except the below listed items:

  • 4512
    In this product a lithium-metal button cell battery is contained in the product

  • DEMO suitcase (for internal use)
    In this suitcase a lithium-ion battery is packed with the products.


When the above products are shipped from PR electronics A/S the package is marked according to IATA Section II dangerous goods regulation (as applicable): 

  •  “Lithium Metal batteries in compliance with Section II of PI970”


  •  “Lithium Ion batteries in compliance with Section II of PI966”.


In case PR electronics’s customer for any reason repack our shipment, it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure correct packaging and marking of the package according to applicable dangerous goods regulations.


Battery shipment / Customs Statement