PR electronics A/S Global Producer Responsibility Statement
It is the policy of PR electronics A/S to fully comply with the producer responsibility requirements placed upon it by European countries in which it sells its products. These requirements typically make the producer responsible for taking back and recycling end-of-life and waste equipment. The take back services described complement PR electronics Return Process which may be followed by any customer wishing to refurbish or upgrade their equipment.
Compliance with producer responsibility requirements demonstrates PR’s commitment to the environment in addition to meeting local laws. In addition to the fulfillment of any mandatory producer registration requirements, PR is also committed to provide for recycling of its PR branded electrical equipment in all European markets. This commitment to producer responsibility continues even where PR is not considered legally responsible. This means that PR will provide a free recycling service for PR branded products in all markets where these are sold. PR may, where applicable legislation so provides, charge for the reasonable cost of transporting waste equipment to the designated recycling facility.
Details of the process to be followed, any applicable charges, and necessary contact information will be provided to any of its customers who wish to use the recycling services offered by PR electronics A/S.
For more information on PR’s recycling services, contact us at qa@prelectronics.com